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Bob Wilson, President of Jidoka Consulting regularly posts on various lean forums and offers his advice and opinions. Below are a couple of files that you might find useful. The first is an excel file which was developed to implement a kanban system within a stamping system. Feel free to use this file and adapt it to your application. The second is an explanation of what Bob has coined as the "System Supermarket". This is to set up a pull system for an information environment. The third is a very handy electronic issue log that allows you to categorize issues two levels deep. The issues can then be broken up by running totals, date range or shop order. All issues are then automatically color coded and charted. You can specify the Level 1 and Level 2 Categories to fit your needs. The fourth is an exercise in Takt Time and Staffing Calculations. During his time as a Plant Manager Bob found it difficult to drive home the usefulness of the standard presentation of takt time and staffing calculations. Therefore, he developed a new way to analyze the information and make it immediately useful to managers on the floor. The fifth file is a Lean Manufacturing Test that Bob gave his managers at his plant. He didn't expect everyone to get the answers right. His intent was to get them thinking lean. The answer document is posted which has the questions also. You will want to delete the answers before giving the test, unless you're that nice! The sixth file is a sample current state Value Stream Map. This map was a living current state map that would get updated and then the action items to get to the Future State were added. One item to note is the time line at the bottom is a little different. Bob adds a third line labeled “Value” under the traditional time line. This is the place to record the actual value added time of a process. This helps to differential the difference between value added and non-value added process times. The seventh file is how to create a sequenced schedule for mixed model processes that are feeding multiple areas with various takt times. There is also a sample Excel file that can be used to set up your sequenced schedule. Please email us for a copy. If you have any questions regarding any of these files, please feel free to email Jidoka Consulting: Contact Us |
In the News:
Bob Wilson– President of Jidoka Consulting will be speaking to MBA classes at the University of Florida. He will be discussing how lean applies to all industries and business and is a key element to long term success and a competitive advantage.